From Co-Creator of Viva Wellness, Jor-El Caraballo
“The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh
Why mindfulness? WHY NOT?! It’s a complicated question to answer, but here are some reasons why I practice mindfulness.
The Benefits of Mindfulness Are Endless
As you might have read in my previous post about the benefits of mindfulness (and mindfulness meditation), there are a host of benefits that come with living and practicing it. Not just a tool, but a philosophy and perspective, it definitely helps me manage my stress which is something that is necessary for someone in my line of work. Mindfulness has helped me tremendously in being aware of myself and my surroundings and the impact of my immediate environment. This kind of awareness has helped me take much better care of myself. Why do I practice mindfulness? Well, because it works for me.
Mindfulness Has Made Me a Better Problem Solver
In addition to soothing me from the impact of stress, mindfulness has also personally made me a much better problem solver. As I am constantly checking in with my physical and emotional self throughout my day, I am now much more attuned to my personal needs in any given moment. While this isn’t foolproof and I definitely have me days when I’m incredibly unaware, on the whole mindfulness has helped me solve problems much more efficiently than in years prior.
For example, if I’m having a day when my lower back pain is acting up I’m (fortunately and unfortunately) much more attuned to that pain. The benefit of being mindful is that I’m now so much more capable of addressing that discomfort in the moment and making an adjustment. That adjustment might mean a slight physical adjustment in my chair. It could also mean that I get up and stretch or go for a much-needed walk. Whatever the solution, being more mindful of my body helps me take better care of it.
It Has Improved My Relationships
I would like to think that I’m pretty good at navigating the relationships in my life, but I know that I have my own faults too. I didn’t realize until recently that mindfulness has helped me gain greater clarity in how to navigate my relationships. As mentioned above, I’m continuously checking in with myself. That means emotionally, more often than not, I know where I stand in any given situation. This has enabled me to be much more assertive about what my wants and needs are in my relationships. As someone who is pretty easygoing and accommodating by nature, I think that mindfulness has helped me tap into my visceral and genuine responses in certain situations. This means that it helps me make a choice to communicate with those around me whether that’s with a partner, friends, family or colleagues.
Meditation Brings Me Clarity & Focus
Admittedly, I want to meditate more than I currently do. Mindfulness meditation has been an incredibly effective tool for me, not just in managing stress but also in helping me gain clarity and focus. I often tell clients that I work with that meditation’s goal doesn’t have to be about achieving the ever-illusive “nothingness”. It can also be about gaining insight and clarity on something that you need to work through. Whether that’s a relationship problem or something that you’re trying to problem solve around work, meditation has helped me solve problems and feel more grounded and centered overall.
Mindfulness has been a beacon of light for me in my personal life, and many of the reasons why are represented here. While I like to think that mindfulness is helpful for everyone, I know that it doesn’t quite suit everyone’s style and that’s OK. My hope is that with posts like these you can be exposed to some benefits of different wellness activities or perspectives and find what works best for you. And if you’d like to learn more about mindfulness, please contact me for a mindfulness coaching session and we’ll get you started. Until then, be well!
Author: Jor-El
Jor-El is Co-founder of Viva Wellness and a foodie and film buff. He most often writes about mental health, relationships, food and mindfulness. When he’s not busy working, he typically can be found lounging or walking around NYC with his pup Nomi.