A few years ago adult coloring books became an incredibly popular trend. All of a sudden kids of all ages (self-included) were flocking to book stores and craft supply stores when presented with the health benefits of coloring.
But how much of what you’ve heard is actually true?
I’ve never been great at making physical art. I have a lot of respect for people who can draw or create things with their hands despite it not being a strong suit of mine. But, like many kids I always liked coloring. I liked the structure and the rules of it…it’s also just came with no pressure.
Fast forward a few decades and now adult coloring books have become this large wellness trend in mental health. Not only do they bring back that childhood nostalgia but apparently there are many health benefits of coloring that we didn’t quite know about as kids.

Adult coloring, such as with mandalas (where it seems the practice began), helps you live in the present moment and be less stressed. It is also supposed to help you feel less anxious as well.
What the Research Actually Says About the Health Benefits of Coloring
The good news is that the reported health benefits of coloring are true! Coloring as a practice helps reduce stress and anxiety overall. But, there have been some surprising conclusions.
First, the research (or at least what I’ve come across so far) has found that there is no any substantial difference between coloring in your adult Golden Girls Book or simply free-drawing (e.g. doodling). The biggest difference was found between coloring things like the Golden Girls coloring book and traditional mandalas. People reported less stress and anxiety with mandalas over other mediums, suggesting there’s something to the more traditional practice that is more restorative or mindful.
Additionally, research tells us that coloring in a group setting with a licensed art therapist is much more potent than going at it alone. That is, you get an even bigger health boost when you have an encouraging therapist in a soothing group atmosphere.

But, don’t expect too much of adult coloring. It’s not a catch-all treatment for mental health issues. The research states that adult coloring can help reduce what we call “state” anxiety which is essentially day-to-day or moment specific anxiety, rather than “trait” anxiety which is a lot more stable in people over time. That means that if you’re having a tough day and feeling stressed or anxious then adult coloring will likely do the trick, BUT if you regularly deal with increased anxiety and may struggle with an anxiety condition then you may not feel the same sense of relief or comfort from the practice.
For me, I also see adult coloring as a mindfulness practice that allows me to not look at my phone or emails and be present with creating (even if it is a silly picture of a very rare brown panda on Instagram). And that for me, is enough. I periodically use an app called Colorfy to enjoy the practice which also allows me to save paper and trees which I’m always down for.
As you can see, the health benefits of coloring are great, but limited in scope. If you’d like to enjoy a break from the normal stresses of the world and create, it’s a good thing to add to your regular wellness regimen. But, if you’re looking for a way to beat your anxiety, adult coloring likely isn’t the only way to go. Your best bet is to contact a therapist to work closely with in development a treatment plan tailored for you.
Author: Jor-El
Jor-El is Co-founder of Viva Wellness and a foodie and film buff. He most often writes about mental health, relationships, food and mindfulness. When he’s not busy working, he typically can be found lounging or walking around NYC with his pup Nomi.