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We Have to Make Time to Celebrate Progress

How often do you find yourself in the depths of your to do list or projects at work? I know I do. And how often do you make time to celebrate progress that you’ve achieved? My guess is maybe not as often as you should.

Why does taking time to celebrate progress feel so self-indulgent?


Day to day we have so many competing responsibilities. Hell, trying to be mindful about your health alone can feel like a full time job. That’s not to mention managing the relationships in your life and just simply having fun. Life can be A LOT.

It’s no wonder that many of us find ourselves struggling to find energy and motivation to keep moving forward. We’re often stretched too thin and generally continue to pile on to our daily task lists, however that’s not healthy for us. I would say “slow down!” or “take on less!” but let’s be honest you’re probably not going to do that.

Take some time to reflect

Instead, try to pause every so often just to acknowledge your progress and praise yourself for your hard work. It doesn’t mean that you have to buy yourself something extravagant (although that’s always nice too!). It just means that it’s OK for you to pause for a second and pat yourself on the back. You deserve it. I’m giving you permission. Go ahead…no, I mean right now.

We live in a world that’s largely defined by productivity and how much one can get done. On a superficial level it’s about reaching new heights (especially professionally), but on a deeper sometimes it feels like we can’t ever be good enough as-is. It seems like we always have something to prove. That stinks.

Taking time to acknowledge your progress, no matter how small it is, it’s important to take a moment to tell yourself, “Hey, you did a good job. I’m proud of you!”

How often do you actually do that? I know I don’t do it enough.

Not only is acknowledging your progress good for mental health and self-esteem, but positive reinforcement is also good for sustaining behavioral change over time.

Praise might be the motivation hack you’ve been waiting on. Don’t forget to use it.

Author: Jor-El

Jor-El is Co-founder of Viva Wellness and a foodie and film buff. He most often writes about mental health, relationships, food and mindfulness. When he’s not busy working, he typically can be found lounging or walking around NYC with his pup Nomi.

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