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Health & Happiness Are Not (Necessarily) the Same Thing

Here on the blog we’ve talked quite a bit about the concept of self-care and I’ve seen that many of us are having these conversations online about what self-care is and when it goes too far. I was recently reading an article in which I came across the line, “Health and happiness are not necessarily the same thing.” This made me pause and think further on how sometimes we get obsessed with achieving happiness. I’ve also been thinking that maybe it isn’t a worthwhile end all be all goal.

I know what you’re probably thinking – that largely runs counter to what many of us have been brought up to think. Shouldn’t we all be aiming for happiness? Isn’t the ultimate gold star?! Maybe, but maybe not.

Doing what feels best for you won’t always make you feel like you’ve won.

Consider this. Have you ever ended a relationship knowing that it was the best move for you & and the pain still made you feel miserable? I’ve been there. I’m sure many of you have. You knew that removing this person from your life would make you healthier, despite it hurting like hell, right?

This is just one example in which health and happiness aren’t necessarily one and the same.

Sometimes we make choices in our lives that focus on securing our health or wellness. And while there’s no guarantee that we’ll get or stay there (wellness is a continuum after all) there are decisions we make to increase our chances.

I was thinking about this recently with respect to my movement/exercise routine. I’ve never been an athlete. I’ve barely been interested in moving my body with any regularity. If I could be carried around constantly being fed red wine, chocolate and grapes I’d be down for that. But, that definitely wouldn’t be good for my health. Sure, I get pleasure out of making sure my body is more flexible and all that movement helps me fulfill my purpose, but does exercise make me HAPPY? Hardly.

It does make me healthier and that’s a trade I’m willing to make for better physical and mental health and a better quality of life.

That’s all to say that sometimes what makes us healthy isn’t exactly what makes us happy in the moment. That’s OK. We don’t have to always be chasing the ever-elusive concept of happiness because chances are we may not reach the pinnacle that we have in mind.

What if we lost a bit of comfort now – a bit of happiness now – for an even better, and healthier long run?

Sounds like a fair trade off to me.

Author: Jor-El

Jor-El is Co-founder of Viva Wellness and a foodie and film buff. He most often writes about mental health, relationships, food and mindfulness. When he’s not busy working, he typically can be found lounging or walking around NYC with his pup Nomi.

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