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Tag: mental health

What is Blue Monday? And is it even real?

Blue Monday is considered to be the most depressing day of the year. Maybe you’ve already encountered a lot of posts and articles about it, claiming the power of Blue Monday, citing it as some ubiquitous day of suffering. But, is it even real? Not so much. The History of Blue Monday Blue Monday was […]

The Greatest Gift?

The holiday season means a lot of things to a lot of different people. For some it can mean spending time with loved ones and gifting. To others it can be a bit more complicated and also include moments of great sadness and grief for people we have lost along the way. For many of […]

How to Cope with Election Day Anxiety & Stress

Our current political climate is causing most of us a lot of stress. As a result many of us are trying to cope with upcoming election day anxiety and stress. From the ongoing news cycle to outrageous tweets and campaign videos across the country, we are faced with an endless onslaught of political mess. It’s […]

Bookshelf: Out of the Woods

There are a lot of reasons that there is an emphasis on reading early on in our lives. Reading has a lot of benefits! For some people, reading is about the gathering of new information. In other instances, books can provide some amazing emotional insight. Out of the Woods does just that. A New Way […]